5/29/2017 0 Comments The Week of 5/22/17Tue. 5/23/17The Other Worlds box set release date has been pushed back a few weeks due to some health problems with a couple of the contributors. It's now scheduled to come out on 6/5/17. I have only a half day of work tomorrow, so it should be nice and productive. :) Wed. 5/24/17I had the entire afternoon off of work today, and I had grand plans for going to Aegis and working on Wild Tides. Unfortunately, this afternoon didn't work out that way, but I did still manage to finish the edit for Part 2! I mean, it wasn't that hard--Part 2 was in good shape pretty much from the NaNo first draft--but...small wins. :) Part 3 shouldn't be too bad, though there needs to be some serious editing to the big fight scene. Actually, the climax of Wide Horizons showed me how much fun fight scenes can be to write, so I'm kind of excited for the big fight. Lots of people die, and it is fun. Buildup to the big fight is on the docket for tomorrow. Thurs. 5/25/17Ji'als is a monster. I mean, I've known that for a while ("A Present" does a good job illustrating that), but it still continues to surprise and delight me when he does something awful--and he is always doing something awful. I haven't written a straight villain since probably high school (I think Sir Marcus, wielder of black magic and the Jafar-like ability to turn into a giant snake, might've been my last one, and I was in 10th grade when I wrote that story, and no, Sir Marcus will not be part of my published catalogue). I usually go the way of having antagonists and not real villains, but damn--Ji'als has been so much fun to write I might start rethinking that tendency. :) (Probably not. Ji'als in all his glorious, power-hungry, psychopathic villainy has been crazy fun to write, but he's for the White Stone series and not for any of the other projects I'm currently planning.) Fri. 5/26/17I had a great writing day that was totally interrupted by having to get over to the day job. It made me kind of cranky--breaking a killer flow-state to sweep floors and answer phones sucked. :( BUT this weekend is Memorial Day weekend and I've got off from noonish tomorrow to Tuesday afternoon, and I think I can get a really good chunk of the rest of the Wild Tides edit knocked out in that time, so planning for a good weekend. Sun. 5/28/17Note: I reference a few titles today that feature explicit language and a picture of a hand giving The Bird. It's been alternately raining and thunderstorming all day, and I've had what I call a Cat Day--that is, a day off with no obligations which I spend in my pajamas, dozing on and off through the entirety of the day. It is extremely lazy and unproductive, and extremely enjoyable. Coconut and Little Orange model the feeling of a Cat Day. Pineapple refused to participate in this demonstration because she conscientiously avoids getting caught being lazy. That doesn't mean I've never caught Pineapple having a Cat Day, of course. But it's not like I've wasted the entire day. I added another email to my welcome email autoresponder, finished the final edit for "Double Crossed" (important, since that's releasing in a little under 2 weeks), and done a little bit of reading that's got me inspired to keep working toward what I want out of life (thanks, "Disobey" and "The Universe Doesn't Give a Flying Fuck About You"!) Plus, I still have all of tomorrow off (which is a HUGE chunk of time I don't normally get), and I'm aiming tomorrow to get back into the flow-state that was so interrupted on Friday and finish off the climax of Wild Tides.
5/22/2017 0 Comments The Week of 5/15/17Mon. 5/15/17I'm going to try turning this page from a blog into a writing diary. It's a bit of an experiment, and I have no idea how it'll go or if it's even worth spending my time doing, but hey. One of the things I need most is to find a way of keeping myself motivated and on track, and the only way to find out what works is to try it and see if it works. :) So, the plan: at the end of the day, I'm going to spend a few minutes reflecting on what I did that day, if I accomplished what I wanted to do, and what I want to get done tomorrow. (And that checks off what I wanted to accomplish today.) Tomorrow, it is time to get my nose on that editing grindstone and knock out some of the Wild Tides edit. Tue. 5/16/17My favorite coffee shop, Java Joey, closed its doors a couple of months ago. They do still have one small place, but it's in the ER entrance of the local hospital, and that's kind of a weird place to get a hot chocolate and sit down to write. I mean, it's a big lobby area that's a little more sterile hotel than typical ER, but still. People who walk through that door are, like, bleeding profusely and stuff. Inspiring, maybe, in that morbid kind of way, but not exactly a place to settle in for a couple hours of writing. Fortunately, I finally was able to find the coffee shop I kept hearing about existing on this useless little stretch of road between DuBois and Luthersburg, and its hot chocolate is awesome, the cafe is comfortable, and I'm finally back in business! I need the sort of intentionality that comes from *going somewhere* to write to kick my lazy ass into gear, and Aegis Coffee Roasters will be seeing a lot of me. :) It was, overall, a decent day. I finished Part 1 of the Wild Tides edit today, and Part 2 is already in decent shape from the previous draft, so I'm feeling pretty good about the progress of this edit. The Other Worlds box set is set for release on the 5/23, so White Stone is on track for getting a little more exposure than it's had previously, and my email list autoresponder is in good shape for the possibility of new subscribers, though maybe it could use another email or two in it to kind of round out the series. Aegis is open until 8 pm tomorrow, so I think I'll get over there after work and get going on the edit for Part 2 of Wild Tides. (I expect to make good time on Part 2, since it's already decent; Part 3 is where more heavy edits are again needed). Wed. 5/17/19A good day. Preproduction on a few new stories is moving along at a nice clip (I'm completely in love with StoryShop for this!), and I knocked out about 2k words of editing tonight, so, good day. I've actually got a virtual hangout scheduled tomorrow afternoon with a group I'm a part of. Looking forward to that. :) Fri. 5/19/17Didn't make it to yesterday's virtual hangout. :( Fortunately, the group is very active, so there should be more chances to hang out with them in the future. The Wild Tides edit is moving along nicely, and I've even figured out how to tie up a few little loose ends, so I'm pretty happy with that. Sat. 5/20/17I didn't get much done today, writing-wise, since most of the day was spent celebrating my birthday (which was yesterday). Went for a ride with Mom and a couple of friends, ate cake, and had dinner at Station 101. I had a good day, even though there was no writing done. Sometimes, a day off is just what's needed, and I enjoyed it.
Tomorrow will be spent making up for the work I missed doing today. 5/15/2017 0 Comments Trying Something NewReal-talk time. I started blogging in February because it's something that comes highly recommended for people (like me) who are looking to find and engage an audience, but I'm just not that good at blogging. I don't really have anything to say that hasn't already been said, and by hundreds of people who can say it better, faster, clever-er than me. I've run out of ideas about things to say, or the ideas I do have aren't actually that interesting or engaging.
So, since my attempt at traditional blogging has once again managed to fall off the rails, I think it's time to try something different. This page is going to change into my writing diary, and we'll see how that feels. (I read once that this point in my career, where I have zero people looking at me, is a good time to experiment, since no one will ever see the things that flop. I've decided to embrace that idea.) In my last post, I thought a bit about what success in my first year meant to me. Today, I want to state this coming year's goals. (One of those will be to make this a December/January thing.)
April 1 was White Stone's first anniversary of being out in the world, so I'm a little bit late for reflecting on my first year of indie publishing*, but that's mostly because I didn't think about doing this until, like, yesterday, because that's how I do. :) Happy (Slightly-Belated) Birthday, Kalima! This past year has taught me a lot, not the least of which is redefining what success is to me. Here's the thing: I am not successful. I like to pretend otherwise because calling myself a author makes me happy, but like most indie authors, the last year has brought in a handful of sales and not even enough money to pay off a parking ticket. But that's okay. 2016 was never about selling books and making money; 2016 was about getting out of my own way, overcoming the fear that has kept me from putting my words out there since college when I first started seriously thinking about publication. 2016 was about proving to myself that I could do it. And I did it. I published. I overcame the fear and insecurity that has kept me from putting my work out there my whole life. And that means I was successful. *Technically, April 1, 2016, was not my debut. Walls was released on Feb. 28, 2016, the day I called my "soft launch," with the story I was using to test out Pronoun as a platform. I don't talk about Walls much, because it's short and not nearly as good as the White Stone series, but it still deserves a little love, so...my love to Walls. Sorry you're so overlooked. :)
May 2018
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