5/13/2018 2 Comments Masochistic UrgesIt's been a long time since I posted something here, mostly because, as I think I've said a few times before, I kind of suck at blogging. Plus, lots of crazy things have been happening that I'm not yet at liberty to talk about but that have necessitated a pulling-back of my plans to get things out to market this year. But, though I've been quiet, I'm not gone. And today, I have this weird self-flagellating urge to do something dumb on this post. I've been spending the weekend looking after my mother's dog while my mother is out of town, and I happened to stumble across a few of my really old stories I printed and gave to her, like, a decade ago, stashed in a bookcase in her house. Seeing them reawakened my urge to read all the terrible stuff I wrote as a kid, and then I had the double-terrible urge to share that stuff with anyone who wanted to read it. Here's something I don't share with most people: I've been wanting to publish my stories since I was old enough to understand what that meant. And here's something else I *really* don't share with most people: I used to think my childhood writing was good enough to publish. Geez, ego much? Fortunately, self-publishing wasn't A (reputable) Thing in the '90s, and in the early '00s I spent most of my time doing annoying shit like going to college and getting a bachelor's (in Animal Science, which is SO TOTALLY RELEVANT to everything I want to do with my life, right?) So I waited, and boy howdy am I glad I did, because these were the sorts of things I wrote as a kid -- truly remarkable stuff like: Painful Romantic Banter! |
May 2018
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