About M. B. Robbins
I've been writing since I could first hold a crayon (I'm not even kidding; in first grade, I wrote stories about Triceratops and Apatosauruses finding safe homes away from T. rexes, a la The Land Before Time). It was my second grade teacher who first put the word "writer" in front of my name, and from then on, I took the description to heart. My first "real" book, Meet Mona, was written that year and modeled after my favorite American Girl, Felicity (who I liked because her first book was all about a horse).
I live in central Pennsylvania with my cats, who are named after tropical fruits. You may see them pop up on this site from time to time, because they're so cute I can't help it.
I had to put Coconut down in 2017, but her legacy of sprawling across my workspace has been nobly carried on by her little brother.
The Baby Cats, Pineapple and Little Orange, as kittens
I've been an official indie since February 2016, and have been hooked on the process ever since. You can connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads at the links below, or send me an email at [email protected]